Friday, September 19, 2008
setelah mengklik icon diatas dan terbuka di jendela baru, anda akan sampai ke halaman profil saya. Anda akan melihat SIGNUP button. Klik saja seperti gambar dibawah ini.
Pastikan anda melihat tampilan seperti dibawah ini (karena kalau tidak, pendaftaran anda akan bermasalah karena setiap orang yang mendaftar harus ada pe-refer atau referrer nya. Nama dibawah ini hanyalah contoh saja. Anda bisa saja di-refer oleh orang lain.
setelah itu, isi data diri yang diminta seperti dibawah ini. Untuk zip code kosongkan saja karena itu hanya untuk warga US. Setelah itu sentuhan terakhir untuk menyelesaikan registrasi
setelah berhasil mendaftar, biasanya akan ada tulisan “CONGRATULATIONS”, atau jika tidak biasanya akan ada serangkaian iklan dari eversave. Skip saja atau langsung login di dengan email dan password yang sudah digunakan tadi. Lalu akan ada persetujuan anti-spam dari YUWIE. Klik agree untuk melanjutkan. Upload foto anda. Setelah itu akan ada lagi form untuk mengundang teman via email. Skip saja karena saya akan mengajarkan bagaimana cara yang lebih efektif untuk mengundang teman anda (jika anda mengikuti langkah-langkah mendaftar YUWIE disini)
anda akan sampai di member area alias control panel yang masih kosong. Akan ada tulisan CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT. Klik itu dan periksa inbox di e-mail anda dan klik confirmation link di surat dari YUWIE. Setelah itu, profil anda siap digunakan.
Set profil anda seperti yang pernah anda lakukan di Friendster mulai dari upload foto, edit data2 yang anda inginkan, set layout, terserah anda. Anda bisa melakukannya dari control panel, maupun menu yang ada di bagian atas.
anda bisa mulai add teman, usahakan yang ada Tulisan ONLINE supaya cepat di-approve. Jangan khawatir, menu-menu di YUWIE sama kok dengan di Friendster
jika masih canggung di YUWIE, silahkan bertanya pada teman yang anda pilih untuk join tadi, atau hubungi saya via Yahoo Messenger : savira_7a, pelajari dulu system kerjanya, baca terms of service nya, atau tanya saya saja lewat comment di YUWIE, jangan lewat Friendster. INGAT!!!BEGITU ANDA MENDAFTAR, HARUS AKTIF JIKA MEMANG SERIUS INGIN DAPAT BAYARAN DARI YUWIE. JIKA MASIH BELUM JELAS, SILAHKAN JANGAN RAGU-RAGU BERTANYA PADA SAYA MELALUI YAHOO MESSENGER , ASAL JANGAN LEWAT FRIENDSTER.
Bisa Dapat Dolar dengan YUWIE
Dapat $$$ dengan YUWIEBisa dapat dollar dengan YUWIE
Pernah join di Friendster? Kalo udah berarti tahu kan apa saja yang kita lakukan sehari-hari di Friendster? Yup, tepat sekali! Kita bisa majangin foto kita, nulis apa aja sampe yang ga penting banget, cari temen, PDKT, curhat, de..el..el. but anyway, pernahkah kita berpikir andaikan semua yang kita lakukan di friendster mendapat imbalan duit? Bayangin aja ga dapet duit aja semangat, apalagi yang dibayar duit :) . Whooohhohohoho……..semangat banget!!!!
Penasaran? Masa sih aktifitas kayak majang foto, comment, chat, ngeblog, kenalan nagak temen dll bisa dapat duit? Sebelum semuanya terlambat dan kacau karena perasaan yang tidak terkontrol, so, le me begin to explain. Nama programnya adalah YUWIE. Program ini sistemnya sama persis kayak di friendster. Bedanya adalah kalo di fs kagak dapat duit (sebetulnya sih dapat dari iklan2 yang nampng disitu, Cuma kita ga dikasih alias diembat ma fs. Kurang ajar tuh sementara kita yang capek juga dah ngeluarin duit buat ongkos listrik ato ongkos warnet, eeeh kagak dapet apa2.) istilah kerennya adalah KTB(TM), Kerja Tanpa Bayaran alias kerja bakti massal.
Sementara di YUWIE kita dapat bagian dari iklan yang masuk di situs YUWIE, disebut RSR (Revenue Sharing Rate) yaitu bagian hasil pendapatan YUWIE dari iklan2 yang nongol dibagikan pada mamber2nya. So, apa aja yang kita lakuin di YUWIE dari upload foto, interaksi ma temen, ngajak temen join, chat, nulis blog, comment, dll ada imbalannya, bahkan hanya login dan mondar-mandir di member area (control panel) juga dibayar. Kalo ada member lain yang berkunjung di profil kita, ngliat album foto kita, baca blog kita, ato cumin ngeklik-ngeklik doing, kita udah dapat bayaran, (bahkan kita sendiri yang melakukan juga dibayar) berikut ini adalah screenshot resmi dari YUWIEdan ini adalah bukti pembayaran dari YUWIEAnda akan dibayar ketika siapa saja yang membuka...- halaman profil anda- halaman blog anda- melihat semua teman anda (view all)- melihat semua komentar anda (view all)- halaman picture anda- jika seseorang melihat halaman layout anda- jika anda beraktifitas di controll panel (member area)
Kenapa Yuwie bisa membayar anda? klik INI
Logikanya mudah saja... setiap anda membuka suatu halaman, pasti ada iklan di halaman tersebut... terutama Google Ads...Simple-nya seperti ini...
Perusahaan lain beriklan di Yuwie > perusahaan itu membayar Yuwie > Yuwie membayar anda
Sangat logis!
Berapa Yuwie membayar anda?
Per halaman yang dibuka (per impression/view), semua itu akan dihitung 1 (satu) dan akan diakumulasikan.
Anda akan dibayar kira-kira $0.45 per 9.000 views... seperti contoh dibawah ini seandainya anda mengajak 3 teman dan teman anda mengajak 3 teman lagi hingga kedalaman 10 level, dan setiap referral membuka 1000 halaman per bulan...
Wow anda pasti berpikir... "Kecil sekali komisinya?" Ya, tapi bayangkan jika tahun depan Yuwie memiliki member sebanyak FS, maka pada saat itu anda bisa jadi sangat-sangat kaya :) Lihat earning report salah satu member Yuwie ini menghasilkan $26.48 pada bulan ke-2...
Sekarang mungkin anda bertanya... "Bagaimana menghasilkan jutaan views supaya bonus saya besar?" Seperti di FS, ajak teman anda untuk bergabung maka setiap aktifitas teman anda itu, views yang mereka hasilkan akan diakumulasikan dengan total views anda... maka total views anda pasti makin banyak :)
Jutaan views itu sangat mungkin karena teman yang anda ajak pasti punya teman lagi dan jika ia mengajaknya maka total views temannya teman anda itu juga akan diakumulasikan pada total views anda, terus dan terus hingga kedalaman 10 level, maka pada saat itulah anda sangat mungkin mendapatkan cek $10,235.49 (sekitar Rp. 94.166.508,-) per bulan.
Pokoknya, semakin sering kita aktif, semakin banyak pulapage views yang kita dapatin dan semakin cepat cek dollar dari YUWIE sampai ke rumah kita. Pembayarannya bisa kita tentukan batas minimumnya, minimum payout $25. kamu bisa set pembayarannya via cek atau paypal. Jika diset cek, tulis nama asli sesuai KTP dan alamat rumah sejelas-jelasnya (biar ga nyasar di rumah tetangga (^^c), selanjutnya, cek bisa ditukerin di bank, selanjutnya…….terserah anda mo diapain duitnya, mo buat makan, beli HP baru, ato….kasih ke aku aja (^^,).
Untuk dapat penghasilan 4 digit angka dengan mata uang $$ dari YUWIE bukan hal yang sulit, bahkan bisa jauh lebih besar! Syaratnya Cuma satu, setelah register, harus aktif. Dijamin bakal sukses! Ga percaya? Buktiin aja sendiri tar!
Gimana kalo setelah register kita jarang aktif, kagak pernah ngajakin temen, kirim2 comment/pesan, ngisi blog, ga pernah berinteraksi sama temen2 lain? The answer is : ribuan $$$ yang ingin kamu dapatkan hanya akan jadi impian belaka!!! Jadi untuk bisa sukses di YUWIE harus aktif, maka sukses akan anda dapatkan. Program ini benar-benar 100% GRATISS..TISS…..TISSSSS!!!! dan TERBUKTI MEMBAYAR MEMBERNYA!!!!
Untuk meraih sukses di YUWIE bukan sesuatu yang instant. Butuh kesabaran, ketelatenan, ketekunan dan mental yang kuat. Jangan berharap sitelah register, $$$ akan mengalir dengan sendirinya tanpa usaha. Semua butuh usaha.
Tertarik, klik untuk mendaftar.
Langkah-langkah mendaftar YUWIE :
setelah mengklik TULISAN YUWIE INI, anda akan melihat SIGNUP botton. Klik sajasetelah itu, isi data diri yang diminta. Untuk zip code kosongkan saja karena itu hanya untuk warga US.setelah berhasil mendaftar, biasanya akan ada tulisan “CONGRATULATIONS”, atau jika tidak anda bbisa langsung login menggunakan alamat e-mail dan password yang sudah anda tentukan.anda akan sampai di member area alias control panel. Akan ada tulisan CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT. Klik itu dan periksa e-mail anda dan klik confirmation link di surat dari YUWIE. Setelah itu, profil anda siap digunakan.
Set profil anda mulai dari upload foto, edit data2 yang anda inginkan, set layout, terserah anda.anda bisa mulai add teman, usahakan yang ada Tulisan ONLINE supaya cepat di-approve.jika masih canggung di YUWIE, silahkan pelajari dulu system kerjanya, baca terms of service nya.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Copywriting Tips - When is it Hype?
We've had the most fascinating discussions over at the Warrior Forum the last few days about hype in sales copy. It has been most revealing as far as how different people view hype differently. I'm not going to bore you with a definition of hype. Like I tell most people, I may not be able to define it, but I know it when I see it. So, when is it hype and when is it substance? This article is going to explore this issue a little. Hopefully, it will help you when it comes to writing your own sales letters.
Let's take this line of sales copy.
"Rake in thousands of dollars a month on autopilot."
Most people would probably consider this to be hype, meaning that it's an unsubstantiated claim. But what if right after this statement, you saw a video of the person logging into their PayPal account showing all the money they made? And then, what if after the video they showed tons of testimonials from people who used the system and made tons of money? The statement now doesn't sound like hype as much, at least not as far as the dollar amount.
But what about the autopilot statement? Well, that's something else. Sure, maybe it's easy to make all this money, but on autopilot? Doesn't that suggest that you just set it up and let it run? Some people might still find that a little hard to swallow. So that part of the statement may still sound like hype, even with all the income proof. So what do you do? Well, you can leave out the autopilot statement. You could maybe replace it with "Rake in thousands of dollars a month with an easy to use system." Now it's more believable, especially if the testimonials say it was easy.
The truth is, there is a fine line between hype and truth. Sure, a degree of hype is important in order to make your copy come to life. If you say something like, "This system will help you make money online" you're really putting your prospect to sleep. There is absolutely no life to that statement. It's boring and will not get the job done. So a little excitement, which is really what hype is, is important to sales copy that is going to convert prospects to buyers.
To YOUR Success,
Technical Writing - Useful Terms
Just in time - also called lean manufacturing - is an old concept, but it became a major part of manufacturing and delivery when Toyota Corporation saw that it was more efficient to deliver parts when they were needed rather than producing them ahead of time and warehousing them. With JIT, production is scheduled so that parts arrive at the assembly site just in time to be used.
MSRP is probably most associated with the retail auto industry, but every business has a manufacturer's suggested retail price for its products. That's the price that's quoted when you're told how much you save with a discount. When selling cars, it's also calledthe sticker price.
Short for original equipment manufacturer, the term refers to businesses that manufacture goods that are then sold to other businesses that may re-brand them or keep the OEM brand and sell them at retail. For example, Ford Motor Company is an OEM that manufactures all Ford brands. The products are then sold to dealerships that sell them to the retail customers.
An acronym for point of purchase or point of sale, both terms are used to indicate the actual, physical location where goods are sold to the public. For example, a checkout at a market is a POP or POS. Tech writers often create POP displays or advertising.
Return on investment is an accounting term that indicates the relationship between the amount of money invested in a product or project relative to the amount of return or rate of profit. ROI is usually expressed as a percentage as in Our ROI for the 4th quarter was 17.5%.
A technical service bulletin is information sent from a manufacturer to service technicians telling them how to fix a problem found in a product. If, as a manufacturer, you discovered that the O-rings on your shuttle-craft were subject to failure, you would issue a TSB telling technicians what to test for and how to solve the problem.
The term year to date is used to indicate a cumulative number that represents all of the instances of a particular event taking place in the whole year up to the present date. For example, you could say that there have been 27 people hired, YTD. It's also used when talking about profits up to the present date; The company profits, YTD, are 23% higher than at the end of last year.
Not really a technical term, WIIFM stands for What's In It For Me? And it's a fundamental question that has to be answered whether you're writing ad copy, training, or instructions. Unless the target audience sees a benefit from doing what you're asking, there won't be a positive response.
Here's a classic example of the WIIFM factor in selling. Corporal Nemo was sent to the induction center to sell Army Life Insurance to the new enlistees. His superior officer noticed that Nemo's success rate was close to 100%. No one had ever done better than 40%, so the officer sat in to hear the corporal's technique. It was this: first he explained the basics of the policy. Then he said, "If you're killed in action, and you don't have the insurance, the government pays $25,000 to your beneficiaries. If you do have the insurance, they have to pay $500,000 to your beneficiaries" Then he paused and hit them with the WIIFM line. "So which guys do you think they're going to send into action first?"
Most of the time, KISS is translated as keep it simple, stupid. We prefer keep it short & simple because we don't think we're dealing with stupid people on either side. Basically, it means that you don't over-write or over-complicate things.
There's an old rule in writing that says, "Never use a long word when a short word will do." The same rule applies to sentences and paragraphs. Write in blocks of text that are easy to grasp and understand. Make the point clear. Organize content in a logical order.
Being a tech writer is a great job. Go interesting places, meet really smart people, learn new things and make really good money. Which is why it's such a rapidly growing profession. The down side, though, is that there are people who get into the business without knowing as much about it as they should.
How I Learned to Write Great Sales Copy Without a Teacher
Copywriting is one of the best-paying writing skills you could possibly have. When you know how to write good ads (instead of just good content), you can hit peoples' persuasion triggers and get them to buy or get them to take any sort of action (like putting your info to use or opting into your e-mail list). That's a skill worth $500 per page instead of $5 per page.
You don't even need to know how to write copy from scratch, you can just make a few tweaks to bad copy to make it into good copy. Think about it. What if you found a great product with an affiliate program that had a crappy sales page? You could rewrite that copy to gut out the unimportant parts, add a few of your own points and shape the offer in such a way that gets people to buy.
What shape is that? AIDA... Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Get their attention with a headline, capture interest with a problem and a solution, build desire with benefits and testimonials... then tell them to take action. Click an order button, subscribe to a newsletter, whatever. Today you need to find AIDA in every day ads.
Look at 4 pieces of junk mail on your mail table or look at direct mail ads online at a site called "Hard To Find Ads" ... you can find it in Google. For each of those 4 ads, write down what the Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action for each one is.
(Come on, hurry up and do it, it will only take you a couple of minutes. Make a commitment to yourself.)
You have only done four today, but I want you to keep AIDA in mind every time you read a web site, watch a TV commercial, see a poster at the mall... ALL successful ads use it. We have all seen commercials that are clever or funny... but you have no idea what they are selling.
Obviously attention and action are the most obvious parts of AIDA, but attention is only the beginning... and without desire, you don't want the product and you won't order. Keep in mind that the elements of AIDA go in order and keep building... building... and building pressure until your prospect is ready to explode, and have nowhere to go BUT to buy.
Copywriting Tips - Where to Put Stuff
Salescopy is a complex piece of work. You have your headline, subheads, bullet points, testimonials, social proof, graphics, closing and so on. Outside of a few basic things that should come first and last, there is that gray area where you can pretty much do whatever you want. Unfortunately, that leads us to the problem of deciding just where to put each thing. Many a beginning copywriter goes bananas trying to figure this out. Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all solution to this problem. Therefore, what follows is just a guideline for placing elements of your sales letter in the proper places.
Let's start with the easy ones first. While it's not really written in stone, you should start your sales letter with your main headline. The reason is because this will capture your visitor's attention right away and usually results in 80% of your sales. Aside from the headline, you usually want to finish with your close, payment link and your signature, followed by a PS. This is because the last thing you want your prospect to see is your close. At this point, he's either going to click and buy or leave. So hit him with your best at the end of the letter. Don't go on much beyond that.
After those few "written in stone" items, the rest if pretty much up in the air and open to your discretion. However, this is what I do. I follow the headline with my next best piece of the puzzle. For example. Let's say I've got a killer testimonial. I mean one that practically sells the item itself. I'll put that testimonial right after the headline. Let prospects see how much customers really love the product. If however I feel that my story is one that will grab them right away, I will follow the headline with my story.
From there, you can pretty much mix and match things any old way you like. It doesn't matter. You can interrupt your story with some bullet points or maybe a few graphics such as social proof, income statements or whatever items you want to show. You can put some testimonials at the beginning and leave others for the end, breaking them up so as not to bore prospects with one after another. I find that no more than three or four testimonials in a row is fine. Beyond that gets a little much.
The key to all of this is having one section flow easily into the next. This can be done with subheads. So make sure you use your subheads wisely.
Copywriting does lend itself to the creative mind. It's not a black and white process so don't treat it as such. If you can do that, you're certain to write copy that will keep your prospect glued from beginning to end with no problem at all.
To YOUR Success,
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Ignoring Instincts About Addict in Our Home Almost Cost Us, Don't Let it Cost You!
In my life I have been around several people who have either abused alcohol or drugs. In all of those cases only two have turned their life around. I have always been the sort to want to help and do all I can for these people, but I have learned some very hard lessons in doing this. Now that I am older with a family my perspective has changed and although I would love to help them the reality is you cannot help someone who does not want to be helped and you need to protecting your family is a much bigger issue.
My husband and I have made the mistake of letting an addict into our home. Now to our defense we didn't realize that this was an issue because no one had really said anything. We had known that some of these things were in the past, but were given the impression that this part of life was over for this addict.
When the addict arrived at our home the first week or so were pretty normal. He looked for work and was pretty set on what he was going to do. He had big plans or so he told us. Then things started to change slightly. At first it was as if I was just overreacting, but as things grew so did my suspicions.
Coming from a background where my last relationship ended because of an addict I was pretty in tune with the signs, but it had been a while and of course being the soft person that I can sometimes be I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. This is where trusting my instincts could have saved us months of heartache.
Soon things started disappearing, the addicts' behavior was erratic to say the least, and he was sneaking around a lot. His eyes were blood shot and he claimed he only had 1 beer with dinner. My husband who prides himself on building his liquor cabinet mainly for show or guests at times started noticing that the bottles were disappearing or were extremely low. Our vending stock for snacks and sodas was depleting faster than we could put them into our machines, and our addicts' speech was often slurred or rambling with no real point to it. You would think these were enough signs right. We just didn't have the proof of our instincts and felt compelled to believe in him.
Soon it became clear that the addict had issues with alcohol and most likely drugs. He was stealing to get the money to pay for this habit after he cleaned out the liquor cabinet and replaced most of the bottles with water or soda. My husband took the remaining valuables and moved them to our closet where he placed a lock on the door. He gave our addict some rules and restrictions and asked that he abide by. One rule was there was to be no more drinking in our home. If he wanted to stay in our home he would abide by these rules. Like many addicts it only lasted a few days and the behaviors increased.
Now the behavior had moved to more open visibility. He was smoking in our house and drinking openly from the time he woke up until he left for work. He claimed drinking was his way of gathering his thoughts for the day. My husband offered him some rehabs and other solutions which he claimed he would look into. These were only said to appease us as he really had no intention of changing his behavior.
It wasn't until my husband walked in on him drinking that he decided enough was enough. He told him to gather a few things and leave. He would let him come back in the morning to get the rest of his stuff, but he had to leave. The guest was visibly upset but did as my husband asked and gathered a few things and left. My husband on his way out the door already to pick me up from a friends' house left after the addict to bring me home.
On the way home my husband explained the situation to me and I agreed that this was the right course of action to protect our kids from any further issues with this addict. I was relieved that the situation was coming to and end and our family would again be protected from these horrible situations. When we arrived home my husband went downstairs to start cleaning things up and I took the kids to bed.
My husbands scream was so loud I could hear it all the way up to my son's room in the top level of the house. I ran downstairs to see what was going on. My husband was yelling and screaming and throwing things in the basement. That is when I saw that our addict had broken into our home and was hiding under the bed in the basement. That is when my instincts took over and I was no longer the nice guy giving him the benefit of the doubt.
2 hours later and a lot of yelling he left. He didn't have much in hand and it was raining outside. I was exhausted from the issues and was just torn up from everything that had occurred. My husband turned on our house alarm and went to bed.
The night was long as our addict returned 3 hours later and rang the doorbell and knocked on the door all night long. My husband would get him to stop for a while and then it would start all over again. It was one of those things where you could call the cops, but you wanted to just handle it yourself.
The next day we cleaned and packed his stuff up for him. My nephew arrived to help take him to another place where he could sleep and we could have our home back. The things we found while cleaning were horrifying and it became clear that we should have listened to our instincts in the beginning. We found stolen goods from his job, drug paraphernalia, alcohol bottles in the wall, cigarette buts in the crawl space, and we found he had taken bathroom breaks in the basement.
I was grateful he was gone and our home was ours again. Our instincts told us from the beginning to step in but we ignored them. Too many of us do this and our instincts are such a vital part. Pride made us ignore it, but experience should have taught us to listen. I know the lesson I learned and sharing this story hopefully can help others realize that if the signs are there and your instincts are screaming for you to stop then don't ignore those feelings. Embrace your instincts and protect your family.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
How to self-esteem
Is it possible that someone will esteem us if our own does not esteem others?. There is a aphorism : Your mouth of your tiger . Its meaning when we say wrongly, or allude to others, hence its reciprocation is unappreciated of people. For that, there are 10 tips how selfregard to develope our esteem so that earning appreciation of ownself. Try to practice 10 tips hereunder.
The best way to improve your life and earn the respect of others is to improve your self-esteem. This is not a very difficult task. All that it needs is good guidance. Here are ten tips that can happen when you improve your self--esteem.
1. Ten Tips to Improve Your Self-Esteem
1. You should surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive, and shun friends who are cynical and negative. This will generate a huge swell of positive feelings in you. You will respect yourself more, and your self-esteem will grow.
2. You should be clear about what you want to achieve in life. Set goals, and work for their achievement. To make your task easier, break your main goal into several smaller goals which are relatively easier to achieve. This will make the task of reaching your main goals seem easier. It will also give you a feeling of satisfaction whenever you achieve one of the smaller goals.
3. Always be positive about yourself and keep reminding yourself about your good qualities, your accomplishments and how you help your family, friends, others and yourself. Don’t make the mistake of brooding over negative things, and never put yourself down.
4. Develop the ability to accept criticism about yourself, without getting upset or defensive. This will help you eliminate your weaknesses one by one. However, make sure that the criticism is constructive. Don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed by criticism that is cynical or meant to lower your self-esteem. This will be a great mistake, and do irreparable damage to your self-esteem.
5. We all need to accept the fact that we will fail from time to time. We should not let it get us down or to have too much of a negative effect on us. We should think that we have not been successful this time and that we will succeed the next time. This will help us to pull ourselves together and move on. Such an attitude will help us overcome the most difficult conditions.
6. Never compare yourself with others. This is the easiest way to feel inferior and lose self-esteem. It is much better to rate yourself on your achievements. Such an approach will give you self-confidence. At the same time it will make you feel better when dealing with your peer group.
7. Never put yourself down. Failures are like parasites. If you allow them to grow they will eat away your self-confidence, self-respect and self-esteem. The best is to push negative thoughts out of your mind, if you want others to treat you with respect. This can only happen when you project a positive exterior, even in most adverse situations. Make it a point to filter out all self-criticism.
8. Don’t give in to bullies in your place of work or in your personal life. You must learn to stand up to them. This can only happen if you are assertive about your rights. Of course, this does not mean that you should pick up physical battles to make your point. On the contrary, you should exercise restraint and make your point in a dignified manner. This will not only make others treat you with respect but also increase your self-esteem.
9. You may be self-conscious and because of this you may avoid talking to groups of people. Try to approach groups of people and introduce yourself to them. Ask them questions about themselves and try to be genuinely interested in the answers. Listen carefully and attentively to what they say and respond to show your interest. Interacting with people will make you feel more relaxed. You will realize that it is easy to speak to groups of people and to relax by concentrating on what others are saying, rather than on yourself.
10. Self-esteem is also dependent upon the felling of well-being. A lazy person or a poorly groomed person will always feel inferior to a confident, smart individual. So, you need to take good care of your body. Remember, a healthy body is essential for a healthy mind.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Affiliate Marketing - 3 Ways to Immediately Add Value to Affiliate Products Through Email Marketing
Most marketers hoping to make sales of affiliate products just don't seem to get it. They take a product that thousands of other people are promoting and just expect people to buy from them. It doesn't work this way! Instead, you need to make it your number one priority to add a great deal of value to whatever products you promote. That way, readers feel like they're getting something that nobody else can offer them.
Here are 3 ways you can make your affiliate products more valuable in your readers' eyes
Tie in With Existing Product: If you've started your email newsletter as a way to promote your own product, you have a great resource for adding value to any products you decide to promote. You should make it your goal to find out creative ways that your product and the affiliate product can be combined. When you do this, write up a special report that is only available to your readers who purchase from your affiliate link.
Membership Site: If you want to bring together your readers with like interests, you can create a membership site that they have access to if they purchase through you. While it takes an investment of time to keep this site updated, you can actually get to know your readers who have been purchasing even more. Plus, your readers benefit because they can start to have information created by you that boosts the value of the affiliate product as well as interacting with others.
Buyer's Only Teleseminar: The great thing about promoting affiliate products is that you have an opportunity to share your opinions on how to make these products better. One thing you must do is purchase the affiliate product you're promoting. Then, spend some time with it to figure out how you would make it better. Organize this information into an outline. Then, lead a discussion about this or make a recording- only making it available to people who purchase your affiliate products.
Your email newsletter subscribers could buy affiliate products from anyone. But if you're following some basic ways to add value for each product you promote, you could very well see conversion ratios that your competitors wouldn't even believe.
Carter Boylston is dedicated to helping you attain limitless prosperity and abundance from all your email marketing efforts.
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Monday, August 18, 2008
Technical Writing - Definition of Foreword, Introduction, and Preface
Definition of foreword, introduction, and preface
OK, let's get started. Easy enough to say, but what do we start with? What comes first, a foreword, an introduction, or a preface? The best way to approach the subject is to look at what they do.
A foreword, if we follow the generally accepted definition in publishing, is an introduction to a book by someone other than the author. It comes right after the Table of Contents, and the pages are numbered with lower-case Roman numerals, e.g., i, ii, iii, etc., rather than the Arabic numerals used for the text of the book.
Ideally, it's written by an expert on the subject of the book who says that the author did a good job writing about the subject. The foreword generally speaks well of the author.
A foreword, as the spelling indicates, is a word that comes before. It's not a forward, which is a direction, or a foreward, which is a misspelling.
A preface is usually written by the author of a book and often gives an overview of how the book came to be written, its intended purpose, and to what extent it covers the topic. It may come before or after the foreword, but it usually comes after and follows the same page numbering system. The preface may also include acknowledgements.
An introduction is also written by the author (or, sometimes, the editor). It's an essay that sets up the full topic of a book. It states what the author's point of view is and may indicate what the reader's point of view should be. After reading the introduction to find out what's in the book, the reader can decide whether or not to read it. Since it's part of the text, the pages are numbered with the same numbering system as the text.
Being a tech writer is a great job. Go interesting places, meet really smart people, learn new things and make really good money. Which is why it's such a rapidly growing profession. The down side, though, is that there are people who get into the business without knowing as much about it as they should.
Starting a Career in Journalism
There are certain traits a budding journalist will already need to have when embarking on a career in journalism. A good journalist must have; a keen interest in people, an inquisitive nature, ability to meet deadlines and outstanding communication skills. Basically, if you are not interested in what people have to say, their emotions and their achievements you simply can not function as a journalist.
Take up a part time course
I have met many people who have found taking an evening or at home journalism course very helpful. They won't teach you all you possibly need to know but they give you a good base to start with. You can find courses like this at most local colleges that run during the year or even shorter courses for ten weeks at a time. Online journalism schools especially offer an array of courses which are more specialized such as sports journalism, community journalism, photo journalism, feature articles, conducting interviews, shorthand and many more. It will give you a base to start gaining experience which all journalists need. You never know, it might open doors to other things!
Cross your T's and dot your I's!
I really can not stress enough the importance of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Sending off work that has not been spell checked or edited will only look bad on you and will tarnish your reputation. An editor might think you have a good story, but they do not have time to correct mistakes as they have deadlines too. An important tip to remember is to never not proof read your own work and to double check over and over!
Read and write whenever you get the chance
Try to read whatever you can get your hands on. It is important for a journalist to keep up to date and analyse other styles that are out there. This will also help you develop a good news sense. It is a good tip from early on to archive clippings of any articles you have written, as you might need to fall back on them later.
Try and read and rewrite smaller articles as much as you can. This is a good habit to pick up to keep you in the 'write' frame of mind. I find it helps before writing anything as the words seems to flow more.
When I first started writing as a freelance journalist the only way I could really publicize myself was to write for free for a local community newspaper. Free jobs like these I feel is where the most experience is gained as you get the chance to strengthen your style and build up the speed in which you can produce a good article. It will give you a good opportunity to build up relationships with editors and get to know good contacts.
There are also many different outlets out there that you can use to advertise your work. The internet is one of the best for this. You can also start your own website, blog, ghost write... There are many websites that offer new and experienced writers places to showcase their work. With the internet especially, there are no limits to what you can do!
By Patricia A. Jones
Friday, August 01, 2008
Indonesian Air Force Lacks Cargo Carriers
Thursday, 31 July, 2008 | 18:41 WIB
TEMPO Interactive, Yogyakarta:“We hope to replace the old carriers soon,” he said following the 61st Air Force Day at the Air Force Academy in Joyakarta, yesterday.
At the moment, the Air Force owns two squadrons of heavy aircrafts, namely the 31 Air Squadron in Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Jakarta, and the 32
Air Squadron in Abdurrahman Saleh Airport, Malang, East Java. However,only half of the 22 Hercules C-130 planes in the two squadrons are fit to fly. “We will be quite happy if all the planes in the two squadrons can
fly,” he added.
The Indonesian Air Force is now grounding a number of planes due to their unsafe conditions. “I do not want my men dying during practice,” he said.
The Air Force has not yet completed checking the main equipments in their defense system. If the results indicate that much of the military equipments are not adequately useable,” he said,” the solution would be to
replace them.” ANTON SEPTIAN
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
ShortageElectricity in Indonesia
Written by : Rumbadi Dalle
Indonesia is now facing big problem especially availability of electricity. In Java and Bali electricity company forced to block out in some places, not only household but also some companies.
This is, bad condition for investor or who has already invested in Indonesia. They are also facing problem because surely will not catch their target. The other problem are, the breakdown of some component because the electricity suddenly blok out. Household also are facing face do so. TV, Refrigerator or whatever should easily brokendown caused the electricity block out
Actually Indonesia has a lot of source of energy for electricity such as fall down water, or biofuel , but the government too late to think about it. I don’t know what the reason of the government and legislative did not think it. We realize that populatin will increase from time to time, as a result it will need the source of electricity. Because the increasing of population automatically will increase their activities which related to the usage of electricity power, even small business.
We do hope this problem can be overcome as soon as possible. Otherwisw the poverty line and jobless in Indonesia will increase time to time.