Is Difficult desist To smoke ?
" Smoke can cause cancer, heart attack, pregnancy trouble and impotensi and foetus", that's commemoration of government of its danger problem smoke. Do the smoker desist or at least lessen that ugly habit ?. Do not.
Why ?. Because tobacco content in cigarette addict and influence brain . When opium of in brain, hence the smoker become addiction. Cough, sneezing effect of smoking will not discontinue smoker doing its duty suck cigarette enjoyably
Delegation of World Health Organization for the Indonesia Of , Robert Kim Faley find 23% of resident of Indonesia old age ten years keatas trapp rokok.Departement Health of poison danger from smoking by sending a warning its danger of smoking of each;every mentioned cigarette bale. Considering cigarette fact of stating propagate cancer, heart attack, impotensi, and also pregnancy trouble. Other finding is epidemiology showing correlation between smoking with lung cancer or heart attack
Governmental worry nation the rising generation of terauni by cigarette. number of Statistic show mean 11.000 dead man every day its effected by obstetrical poison of cigarette smoke. Year Diprediksi 2020 until 2030 mean 27.000 death every day cigarette poison.
Child age 11- 14 strarting to smoke. This is concerned about is continuity of young generation as generation router of nation. But to government of problem smoke this become aphorism supposing : eaten [by] mammy death, do not be eaten [by] father death. Its problem of national income of cigarette duty of assist inclusion of State. On the other side, thousands of absorbent labour by cigarette factory
Become, at the discretion of smoker, will be healthy or on the contrary. Healthy if we like to , kicking a habit from smoking , when on the contrary hence in act to suffering our him of pain because have released money to be burned. Bravo.
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