Friday, August 25, 2006

Blood Circulation

Take Care Of the Blood Stream For Healthy Life

Bloody very vital for body. Blood insuffiency, or high blood cause health of body disturbed. Often we hear the someone sudden die. After brought to hospital, actually suffer the heart attack.

Heart sickness is often disregarded by patient. Because this disease seldom show the symptom. Ironically, patient eat the food able to quicken the heart sickness become chronicly. Lazy process the body be like sport, or fitness, make worst the situation.

Many ways to the healthy life. Besides diligent of sport, also avoid eating food that will able to pursue the blood stream in heart pump. That cause vitamin and mineral of vital importance.

Besides vitamin and mineral is also supplement in the form of nature’s health. To take care of the healthy heart do not wrong when consuming the cod be like squaline, salmon omega-3 and evening primrose oil complex. Supplement this free usually sugar, salt, starch, artificial colors and preservalitives.

According to Dr. Vasan SS Ramachandran from University School of Medicine says the children have the parent having problem with heart sickness will experience of the high risk to experience the similar condition. call that hit by the X someone of heart sickness will effect from family history.

" If our study result this have confirmation," clear Dr. Vasan S.S. Ramachandran hence there will be a justifikasi that failure of heart sickness in future will be added with according to disease history from their family.

Dr Ramachandran call the led by theX team of it have done the investigation of the parent impact have the heart sickness with risk of increase of that heart sickness to their children.
According to investigation team, parent the owning the problem with heart will have descendant to experience of ventricular dysfunction compared to the child don't have descendant of the parent having problem.

During 20 year, team see the existence of relation between problems with heart with risk height hit the heart sickness at their descendant.
In publicized research result passing The New England Journal of Medicine team find that mean around 70 % of natural child of risk hit by the X the problem with heart is the them have the parent with is same problem. This occurence according to researcher team is not surprise.

Vitamins And Minerals That Support The Circulatory System

The circulatory system provides essential services to the body, including the transport of oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, as well as the removal of waste products. In order for this system to be at its most efficient, it is necessary to have a sufficient intake of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are essential to the health and functioning of the body.

Many of these vitamins and minerals directly affect the circulatory system, supporting it in its tasks within the body and contributing to the various physical structures that make up the system.

The circulatory system is made up of the heart, the arteries, which transport the oxygenated blood throughout the body, the veins, which carry out waste products and return the blood to the heart to be re-oxygenated, and the capillaries, which are the tiniest blood vessels, running through the tissues of the body. In addition to oxygen, the nutrients and water that the body needs also are carried through the blood via the circulatory system.

For example ,vitamin C is important to this process, as it is responsible for strengthening the walls of the blood vessels throughout the body. This has to do with its role in the production of collagen, which is an essential connective tissue.

Copper is a mineral that is also necessary for the process of making the body’s connective tissue. Biotin is important to the health of the circulatory system, as well as to the circulatory system’s functioning, as it has a role in several essential enzyme processes.

Vitamin E helps to promote the healthy functioning of the circulatory system in a couple of ways. It helps to dilate the veins and it has a role in the controlling of blood clotting. Another important aspect of Vitamin E is its antioxidant properties, something that it shares with Vitamin C. These vitamins, with the help of other antioxidants, serve in the essential capacity of bringing free radicals, which if left unchecked can damage body tissue, under control.

Potassium, in addition to its well known benefits to the heart, serves the other parts of the circulatory system, as well. One important function of potassium is to regulate blood pressure and fluid balance in the circulatory system.

Sodium shares in these important functions of maintaining the blood’s balance and pressure. We hear so much about the negatives of sodium that it’s easy to forget that sodium is, in reality, a mineral that is essential to the body’s functioning, particularly in the circulatory system. Sodium also offers a valuable lesson concerning moderation – too much of it can kill you, as can too little.

The circulatory system is essential to life itself. It makes sense to support its essential processes and functioning with a diet that each day meets the standard recommended intake levels of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Nutritional supplements offer a reliable and safe means of accomplishing this important health goal.

Because the balance of nutrients is so vital to proper functioning of the body and its supporting systems, you may want to consider devising a personalized nutritional supplement plan, according to your individual dietary needs, with the assistance of a licensed nutritionist or you usual health care provider.

1 comment:

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