Monday, August 25, 2008

Affiliate Marketing - 3 Ways to Immediately Add Value to Affiliate Products Through Email Marketing

By Carter Boylston

Most marketers hoping to make sales of affiliate products just don't seem to get it. They take a product that thousands of other people are promoting and just expect people to buy from them. It doesn't work this way! Instead, you need to make it your number one priority to add a great deal of value to whatever products you promote. That way, readers feel like they're getting something that nobody else can offer them.

Here are 3 ways you can make your affiliate products more valuable in your readers' eyes
Tie in With Existing Product: If you've started your email newsletter as a way to promote your own product, you have a great resource for adding value to any products you decide to promote. You should make it your goal to find out creative ways that your product and the affiliate product can be combined. When you do this, write up a special report that is only available to your readers who purchase from your affiliate link.

Membership Site: If you want to bring together your readers with like interests, you can create a membership site that they have access to if they purchase through you. While it takes an investment of time to keep this site updated, you can actually get to know your readers who have been purchasing even more. Plus, your readers benefit because they can start to have information created by you that boosts the value of the affiliate product as well as interacting with others.

Buyer's Only Teleseminar: The great thing about promoting affiliate products is that you have an opportunity to share your opinions on how to make these products better. One thing you must do is purchase the affiliate product you're promoting. Then, spend some time with it to figure out how you would make it better. Organize this information into an outline. Then, lead a discussion about this or make a recording- only making it available to people who purchase your affiliate products.

Your email newsletter subscribers could buy affiliate products from anyone. But if you're following some basic ways to add value for each product you promote, you could very well see conversion ratios that your competitors wouldn't even believe.
Carter Boylston is dedicated to helping you attain limitless prosperity and abundance from all your email marketing efforts.

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